Ripples: Our October Conference
One small action can have a great effect. Our October conference looks at the power people have to change things for the better one step at a time.

Perhaps you’re not familiar with the ripple effect. Picture yourself dropping a stone into water, the ripples moving outwards. The ripple effect describes something similar but now instead of a stone dropping into water you have a person taking an action; this one action creates effects which spread and in turn cause further actions.
The ripple effect demonstrates the power of a person – or, better yet, of you – to effect change for the better within a community. Our speakers will use their events to discuss the ways in which they’ve witnessed small actions leading to great outcomes.
We kick off the conference with a double bill marking World Teachers Day. Two speakers who work within the Scottish education system will join us online to share their knowledge. First up, head teacher Billy Burke begins the conference at noon on Thursday 5 October, 12pm, with ‘Nurturing Positive Relationships’, a session that will explore how wellbeing and positive relationships should be at the heart of all we do in work and in life; he will stress how positive communication is key to our happiness and development. You can reserve a place at this event here.
Later the same day, at 4pm, nurture lead Gerry Diamond will share his insights in another event, ‘How to Create More Trauma-Informed Responses in Schools’. We know that prolonged patterns of trauma can impact the developing brain and body. Gerry’s event will demonstrate an approach that outlines certain core concepts on how the brain works within educational settings – and the impact this can have on the young person. You can reserve a ticket here.
The following week we are joined by Kevin Neary of Aid & Abet, a charity that supports people involved in the criminal justice system in Edinburgh, Glasgow and Lothian, with a focus on those who have been in custody. It is an initiative that is led by people who have been in prison in the past, mostly as a result of addiction problems.
Kevin’s event ‘Every Act of Kindness Leaves a Trace’, which takes place on Wednesday, 11 October, 1pm, will explore what he’s learned about the importance of relationships, connection and community through his work, with the event followed by a Q and A (as will all the other events too). Reserve a free place here.
The day after, Gill Harmon, Senior Virtual Family Support Practitioner, at Scottish Families Affected by Alcohol and Drugs (SFAD), leads ‘Ever Increasing Circles: How Family Support Ripples Out’. This event will discuss the help SFAD can offer as well as the impact of evidence-based approaches to family support. When someone seeks out family support, it’s rarely just that person who benefits. The changes family support brings ripple out, improving relationships with friends and family, whose own wellbeing is enhanced in turn. This event takes place on Thursday, 12 October at 12pm, and you can reserve a ticket here.
Conflict Resolution Day this year takes place on Thursday, 19 October, and to mark the occasion Cyrenians Senior Mediator Alan Jeffery will ask ‘Mediation – A Success Story?’ at 10am. During this event, Alan will explore what makes mediation successful. The event will focus on the situations that are most suited to mediation, the qualities of the mediator themselves, and the concept of procedural fairness, where mediation process heavily impacts parties perspective on success. Reserve a ticket here.
These are only the first five confirmed events. We should confirm another three soon. Keep checking our website’s conference page (click here) and our social media to see what further events we’ve added to our October festival over the next couple of weeks.