Our Vision
Cyrenians believe that change comes in many ways and it is most sustainable when we share what we know and talk about what works; building our common purpose in life on real stories. Our ambition is to bring folk together so that the journey to reducing conflict in every place is a shared one, with a deep belief that cultural change is possible and peace making can become the norm.

Conflict as a way of life has become normalised yet it is not the normal way of nurturing and growing human relationships. It happens in all our lives for a myriad of reasons, sometimes with minimal consequences but at times its impact can be devastating and debilitating, making life seem impossible and the future impenetrable.
Rooted in many years of experience and best practice through its own conflict resolution services such as Amber Mediation, the SCCR is an example of Cyrenians responding strategically to an issue that shapes and often harms many people’s lives. The authentic voices of those with whom Cyrenians' conflict resolution services have journeyed are the bedrock of its work. They have shaped the understanding of peers and practitioners in changing who we are as communities and a nation, as well as the lives of individuals and their families.
We are here to help
The SCCR’s ambition is to be a National Resource Centre for best practice in conflict resolution, mediation and early intervention work. We acknowledge the support of the Scottish Government through a CYPFEIF and ALEC Fund Grant.
Built on partnerships with a wide variety of colleagues and collaborators across the country, the SCCR focuses on early intervention with young people and their families experiencing difficulties and conflict that is affecting their relationships and lives.
Avoiding Homelessness
“There is no doubt that raising a child/young person is one of the most rewarding and important roles anyone can take on, however, we do recognise that for some families and for many different reasons this can become challenging. The impressive high quality digital resources developed by Cyrenians SCCR have supported families, transformed relationships, built resilience and confidence and for that I am grateful.”
Clare Haughey MSP, Minister for Children and Young People (March 2023)