Explore the Mind-Body Connection
Discover the science behind conflict and the brain, why we act and react the way we do, and how to maintain the best balance to keep ourselves mentally, physically and emotionally healthy.

Ministerial Address
'Today presents us with a great opportunity to learn more about conflict resolution and to improve our understanding of how our behaviours affect conflict.' Kevin Stewart, Minister for Mental Wellbeing and Social Care, opened the conference with its keynote speech. During the speech, the Minister recognised that Scottish families are struggling during the Cost of Living Crisis and that the strain can cause conflict that undermines relationships. 'I want to congratulate the SCCR on its innovative resources. The Scottish Government is grateful for its work around conflict resolution and stable family relationships, which is crucial for good mental health and wellbeing. We know that it is absolutely essential to work closely with the third and public sector, as well as those with lived experience, to ensure Scotland is the best place to grow up.'
Kevin Stewart
Minister for Mental Wellbeing and Social Care

'Visit the Circus of Life'
'I was a Human Cannonball. In certain situations, I explode. I wasn’t shocked… I’d definitely recommend #KeepTheHeid. It would be fun to do when you’re sitting at a table with friends, having a conversation. You might think ‘Oh yeah, let’s quickly see [which circus act friends are]. I think I’ll try to react a bit more calmly in the future.'
Young Person Delegate
High School
'What kind of brain are you?'
'I feel like [Monkey Vs Lizard] opens up how you view your emotions and how now you’re going to go on to handle different situations. It’s going to encourage me more to think before I act.'
Young Person Delegate
High School
'The mind-body connection'
'We looked into The Three Brains and my result was ‘Multiplatinum’ which means that each of my three ‘brains’ are working together very well. My brain is still developing and I’ve learned that to be mentally healthy you have to be physically healthy. I feel because I came [to the Conference] I can see so much progress has been done, and so many opportunities opened up through the science shown here.'
Young Person Delegate
High School
A selection of statistics
- 72% will apply what they’ve learnt, to positively change the negative impact conflict has on relationships, mental health and emotional wellbeing
- 79% will use the SCCR online resources to positively change the negative impact conflict has on relationships, mental health & emotional wellbeing
- 70% would recommend the SCCR to other staff and agencies
Practitioners and volunteers

What professionals had to say about our resources
- What I've found useful is] the realisation that everyone is different and that is a fact. That there are no right and wrong ways to think, only that they can be managed better.
- We are looking to implement drop-in sessions during lunch times. These resources could be very useful for the young people who attend these sessions.
Practitioners and volunteers

A selection of statistics
- 93% have a better understanding of conflict
- 82% now know what support is available for them
- 79% have learned new information and skills
- 93% have increased their understanding of the emotional and physical impact of conflict on their development
- 81% now have the SCCR digital resources to help them manage relationship conflict and overall wellbeing
Young People
Young people from diverse backgrounds

What young people had to say about our resources
- Loved my badge - thanks! I love Monkey Genius.
- The quiz was fun although still remained serious in the results. The questions felt very real and natural.
- The questions in the quiz were excellent with real life situations.
- The quesitons of the quiz were easy to follow and understand.
Young people
Young people from diverse backgrounds

Upcoming events
IN HOUSE - SWIIS - Recognise, Reflect and Resolve
15 May 2025 | 10:30 - 12:30
IN HOUSE - Aberdeen City Council - Understand, Communicate & Resolve
3 June 2025 | 09:30 - 12:30