Connections & Bridging the Divide
Our international events bring together speakers, film makers, writers and artists from around the world in response to the growing need for connection, understanding, kindness and compassion this year more than ever.

Screening of Nae Pasaran and Q&A
We are honoured that the digital festival will commence with a film screening of ‘Nae Pasaran’. This 2018 documentary is directed, written and produced by Felipe Bustos Sierra. He is a BAFTA-winning filmmaker and creative director at Debasers, a production company based in Glasgow.
Felipe Bustos Sierra
Debasers Filums
Film maker/Producer
I know how I feel but what do I do?
Join us as we explore 5 different emotional states using one of the SCCR’s digital resources. We will discuss a range of options available to us all to enable us to gain a broader perspective and harness our emotions to conquer conflict.
Andrew Boyd/Abbey Krause
Cyrenians SCCR/Cyrenians
Strengthening the relationship between you & your teen
Understanding the adolescent brain can help adolescents and their important adults make sense of behaviours and challenges that are often kindling for conflict and confusion. This understanding can help us support our teens, strengthen our relationships with them, increase our influence, and reduce conflict.
Karen Young
Hey Sigmund
Psychologist and Founder of Hey Sigmund
What is “connectedness” in a relationship, what makes relationships meaningful, these are questions that can be hard to define, if at all, “it’s just a feeling”. This session aims to explore what makes people feel connected in a (personal, social or professional) relationship and encourage you to come along with your own thoughts on what connectedness means to you.
Duncan Gordon
Cyrenians SCCR
Permission to feel
"Such a familiar question but how often do we actually expect, seek or indeed offer an honest reply. It’s not always easy to answer this question and that can be for a whole variety of reasons. In this workshop we explore Professor Marc Brackett’s system RULER for understanding and mastering emotions. We bring you permission to feel and a toolkit for doing this in life, family and work. "
Sarah Philp/Drew Drummond
Drummond International/Drummond International
Youth Homelessness: The past, the present & the future
This event to mark World Homeless Day will be a panel featuring guests from Cyrenians, The Rock Trust, A Way Home Scotland and A Way Home Canada. The past, present and future of youth homelessness will be discussed and the impact the Covid-19 pandemic has had on this in both Scotland and Canada.
Kerry Watson/Andy Murdoch
Cyrenians/Rock Trust
Service Manager/Co-ordinator of the early intervention partnership
Peace-making in a world of conflict
Ewan will be speaking with Alison Phipp and colleagues about her work with people seeking sanctuary around the world, and ways she has found, through learning with communities, of turning differences into something to celebrate.
Ewan Aitken/Alison Phipps
Cyrenians CEO/Professor of Languages and Intercultural Studies UNESCO
Tap out your temper through martial arts
Anger and resentment can rob us of our happiness and ability to live our greatest life, leaving us tired and emotionally drained. Learn how to move past anger to success through martial arts. You don’t need to be a martial artist to take advantage of the techniques used for centuries to build a stronger mind and spirit.
Raz Chan
White Belt Warriors
Motivational Speaker/Author
The Understanding Method of Mediation
The world renowned Gary Friedman of the New York Center for Understanding in Conflict - will be interviewed during this event. Over decades across the United States, Europe and Israel, Gary has trained lawyers, law professors, judges, and psychotherapists in the Center’s method of mediation and a mediative approach to lawyering and collaborative practice.
Stephen O'Rourke/Gary Friedman
Faculty of Advocates/Co-founder and director of The Center for Understanding in Conflict, California
10 'Secrets' of stronger relationships
Ever wanted to improve a relationship? Family therapist, Karen Holford, shares ten simple ways you can strengthen almost any relationship.
Karen Holford
Self employed
Family Therapist
Nurturing Wellbeing
In this workshop, we will explore the principles of Renfrewshire’s nurturing relationships approach as well as innovative developments in engaging positively when conflict arises.
Gordon McKinlay
Renfrewshire Council
Heads of Schools, Renfrewshire
Phases of Transition
Upcoming events
SCCR CONF 2025 - Why can’t my child wake up & get ready for school on time?
14 March 2025 | 11:00 - 12:00
SCCR CONFERENCE 2025 - Young Carers: Give me a Break
18 March 2025 | 11:00 - 12:00
SCCR CONFERENCE 2025 - Supporting Children with Language Difficulties
20 March 2025 | 10:00 - 11:00
SCCR CONFERENCE 2025 - It Takes all Kind of Minds (Neurodiversity Workshop)
20 March 2025 | 14:00 - 15:00
SCCR CONFERENCE 2025 - Flipping the Script
25 March 2025 | 14:00 - 15:00
SCCR CONFERENCE 2025 - Balancing Screen Time
26 March 2025 | 10:00 - 11:00