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MARCH 2019
Cyrenians' SCCR & Glasgow Science Centre Partnership
Cyrenians’ Scottish Centre for Conflict Resolution and Glasgow Science Centre have signed a new partnership to help people understand ‘brain science’, in a bid to help improve mental and physical health, relationships and reduce conflict in Scotland.Ewan Aitken (CEO, Cyrenians) and Dr Stephen Breslin (CEO, Glasgow Science Centre) signed the new Memorandum of Understanding recently, coming off the back of the SCCR’s five years of delivering successful digital developments including most recently its Emotional Homunculus project launched at the Glasgow Science Centre last year, and are pledging to work together to create new ways of helping Scotland deepen its understanding of neuroscience and brain chemistry, and its impact on all our lives: from young people’s wellbeing, to child development, conflict at home and in wider society.

(L-R, Dr Robin Hoyle, Director of Science; Dr Stephen Breslin; Glasgow Science Centre CEO; Ewan Aitken, Cyrenians CEO; Diane Marr, SCCR Network Development Manager)
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Newsletter archive
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Read all our newsletters from 2016
Contact Us
0131 475 2493
Norton Park | 57 Albion Road | EH7 5QY | Edinburgh
About SCCR
We acknowledge the support of the Scottish Government through a CYPFEIF and ALEC Fund Grant. Cyrenians is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO), registered charity SC011052.

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